Call for Proposals


The CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the 2025 AUPHA Annual Meeting is now open until 11:59PM Pacific time on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
To provide structure and focus for proposal submissions, the Annual Meeting Planning Committee (AMPC) has established several sub-themes related to A Compass for Change: Core Values in Healthcare Management Education. They can be found below and can be used to represent topics at the student, faculty, and practitioner levels. Submissions should align with one or more of these sub-themes for consideration. 


In addition to the general meeting sessions and posters, this Call is for submissions to the Undergraduate Track, Doctoral Track, and Global Track. Note that if you believe your submission is best suited to an undergraduate, doctoral, or global audience, it is strongly recommended that you submit your proposal under the applicable track. Proposals that are for Master's level or all program level audiences should be submitted as a general Annual Meeting session.

Once you have read through the CALL FOR PROPOSALS and are ready to submit a proposal, please follow the link provided on the final page of the call to make your submission.