Health Administration Press

300 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60606-6698

Information Request: hapbooks@ache.org

Health Administration Press, a division of the Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), is dedicated to fostering healthcare management excellence. Established in 1972, HAP is now one of the largest publishers in the field of healthcare management—providing content written by thought leaders in healthcare management. HAP publishes professional books, textbooks for undergraduate and graduate courses, journals, and self-study courses.




Spring 2022 Textbook Catalog

HAP’s interactive catalog highlights our newest releases and showcases all our available titles. Explore by navigating to a particular topic or searching for specific titles. Request exam copies at hapbooks@ache.org.


Brochure Exploring HAP’s Latest Healthcare Systems Books (PDF)

This brochure offers an overview of HAP’s two latest healthcare systems books: Healthcare in the United States: Clinical, Financial, and Operational Dimensions and The United States Healthcare System: Overview, Driving Forces, and Outlook for the Future. The brochure provides details on the books’ topics, special features, instructor resources, and more.


Instructor Update

Instructor Update, HAP’s monthly enewsletter, explores its higher education resources. This opt-in publication explores new and upcoming textbooks, instructor resources, custom textbooks, and more. Email hapbooks@ache.org to sign up for Instructor Update.


Journal of Healthcare Management

Published bi-monthly, this peer reviewed publication offers research articles, insightful columns by experts, interviews with prominent leaders, and commentaries by practitioners in the field. Use JHM content on current trends and new research as part of your course plans.


Frontiers of Health Services Management

Published quarterly, this journal presents in-depth case studies and expert commentaries with solutions to help leaders advance organizational performance and improve patient care. Each issue is dedicated to a single timely topic, offering valuable content for your course planning.


ACHE Higher Education Network

This collaborative effort between ACHE and healthcare administration programs provides a valuable on-campus experience for students, with resources and tools to enhance networking opportunities, access to continuing education and exposure to current healthcare management issues.


Healthcare Executive Podcast

An extension of Healthcare Executive magazine, ACHE’s complimentary podcasts are a great way to supplement your class assignments. Guests include innovative thinkers and industry insiders who share ACHE's common goal: improving health for our patients and their communities.



Another valuable resource for developing course content, the ACHE blog offers insight into healthcare management from leaders in the field. Content can be searched by topic. Recent blog posts have focused on resilience and health disparities.


Become an ACHE Member (PDF)

This document shares information on ACHE membership. It also explores the requirements and steps for becoming a Fellow of ACHE.


ACHE Member Benefits (PDF)

This document offers an overview of the many benefits of becoming a member of ACHE.


Resources for Students


Complimentary ACHE Student Career Development Course

Designed for ACHE Student Associate members and Higher Education Network partners, this complimentary course capitalizes on ACHE’s unique, self-guided career development tool ACHE CareerEDGE® SE to leverage self-assessment data, career preferences, job search strategy and healthcare field information. Consisting of eight self-guided modules, the course introduces participants to the benefits of professional society membership, explores how involvement in local chapter and national events can enhance one’s career network, and more.


Directory of Postgraduate Administrative Fellowships

This complimentary resource features a list of available postgraduate administrative fellowships to students and early careerists and provides a place where sponsoring organizations may promote their fellowships and increase visibility for these programs. Each listing includes application deadlines, the program description, and instructions on how to apply. In addition, you'll find a variety of resources available at ache.org/PostGrad.


Textbook Discounts

As you start the summer term or begin planning for fall courses, be sure to remind your students about HAP’s textbook discounts. ACHE Student Associates receive a 30% discount every day—no promo code required. Students who aren’t members of ACHE receive a 20% discount when textbooks are purchased directly from us using the promo code STUDENT22 at checkout.



Michael Cunningham, CAE
Vice President, Publications
Director, Health Administration Press

Nancy Vitucci
Marketing and Sales Manager
Health Administration Press

Molly Lowe, MPH, FACHE
Director, Content Strategy
American College of Healthcare Executives
